Business opportunities in Uganda

Business opportunities in Uganda

Business opportunities in Uganda. Population in Uganda nowadays is 41,49 million people and more than 70% are using mobile phones and are cellular users.

As Africa region is very profitable and good market for GSM termination, Uganda is not an exception because of high population and cheap local calls.

So what is GSM termination business– its ready made business in telecommunications, money from this business comes as a difference between international price of call and local price of call.

MTN LogoAs Uganda has a lots of local mobile networks you can choose the best operator to make money, the biggest one is MTN – is the largest telecom company in Uganda, with 11.2 million subscribers as of 30 June 2017.

However in 2019th Celltel mobile operator offers the most competitive tariff for calls in Uganda. See below how much money could be earned with GSM termination in Uganda today.

GSM termination business in Uganda (ANTRAX 2019)

Call VoIP GSM termination business profit in Uganda Infographic ANTRAX 2019
GSM termination business profit in Uganda Infographic ANTRAX 2019

So what you need for start GSM termination business in Uganda:

  1. Choose network which you will be termination, it can be 1 network or few networks
  2. To buy SIM cards of networks you chose
  3. To buy special equipment: GSM gateway and SIM Box
  4. To find location where you will place system
  5. To have Internet and electricity on location
  6. Time to run your profitable business (4 hours a day and you will generate thousands of dollars)
  7. Start receiving traffic from transit companies

GSM termination consultation

If all things which mentioned above you have – it is time to be owner of the best new business.

Read our previous post about Uganda: Find your key to success in business with GSM termination in Uganda

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