Facebook comments and reviews about GSM termination

Facebook users comment on GSM termination business

Check out one of the detailed response about GSM termination business

Jide Usman: “Gentlemen and Ladies GSM termination is a cool business in the telecom space. GSM termination is a telecom service where a local receiver receives phone calls from an international caller showing a local line. Have you ever wonder you have a relative in UK and the relative place a call to your local Nigerian mobile number and the international call appear like a local mobile number, that is GSM termination ANTRAX manufactures equipment’s that is needed to start GSM termination.

For someone interested in the business you need a GSM gateway and SIM Boxes to be hosted on the internet.

The gateway does all the call switching etc wile the SIM box will contain several mtn, glo, airtel and etisalat sims. When a caller from for example united states calls an mtn line in Nigeria. the calls originating from the US goes through a lot of route then to your gateway, from there the SIM box replaces the incoming number with one the mtn numbers on the SIM box and the receiver sees an mtn line calling, then he picks and voila the conversation is initiated, when completed the charges goes to the international caller then from that charges you as a GSM terminator earn money may be a cent.

Now imagine several international calls coming through your gateway, how much money do you think you can make and of course aside a one time purchase of the equipment you need to pay for your internet hosting subscriptions and power to your equipment wherever it is hosted. One area that potential investor must know is that to operate GSM termination in Nigeria you need an NCC license which about 25 million naira unless you want to operate illegally which is against the law. i can be reach on 08023801905 for any clarification. please note i am a telecom expert and i do not work for ANTRAX. Please do your due diligence before venturing. cheers”

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