Rwanda seems to become one of the most business-friendly environments around East Africa. Nowadays with a democratic government policy turning to the democratic side it sounds absolutely real to start your own business in ONLY 2 DAYS with 0 investment! Can you imagine that?
They even call Rwanda a new coming Singapore of Africa. Of course, it lacks most of Singapore’s advantages and has got a huge room for improvement. But still what Rwanda is truly famous for around African, and even Western countries, is a strong rule of law.
Some more proves of the right chose for investment in Rwanda are as follows:
– a number of industries experience a significant shortage of local materials, investments and business buyers;
– VISA has chosen Rwanda among dozens of frontier economies for test linking its’ local shops and cash machines to a global VISA network;
– there is a fast-moving tendency of privatization most public enterprises around the country;
– many foreign investors come to establish business opportunities in Rwanda each year;
– broad exotic natural resources become more and more interesting to travelers from all over the world, etc.
Determine a niche to start business in Rwanda
A lot of the lead-off entrepreneur are too concerned about such formalities as writing a business plan, arranging a capital, getting a license etc. But the real situation in local market shows that Rwanda is opened to newcomers with ideas, intellectual capital and enthusiasm for entering new markets. It’s as easy as that!
Just google it to check!
Real estate industry experiences shortage on bricks. Yes, bricks. They have a huge demand on affordable housing, but delay this process considerably a because they have no material to work with. It might be impossible to believe, however true.
Food industry experiences growth as in most countries in the world, but the market slows down because of the shortfall of ATTENTION! packaging. Food is rather cheap in Rwanda, but it lacks simply a small business on biodegradable packagings to keep cost fair.
After all that you’re still wondering how to make money in Rwanda? Then let’s move down the menu.
Telecommunication business is a good opportunity not just in Rwanda, but it is really profitable. You may think that it demands huge investments and big team… One of it’s parts as GSM termination can be managed by one or few specialists and do not need big investments into equipment.
Know more how much money you can get with GSM termination business in Rwanda
GSM termination business in Rwanda (ANTRAX 2019)

Coffee production deserves a special place among business opportunities in Rwanda. Most of the local coffee produced is being sold to neighborhood countries and then exported without any sign of origin country. The reason is there is no entrepreneur to invest in Rwanda local coffee branding and exporting. Sounds like an engaging field for your future venture, doesn’t it?
Tourism sector becomes a sizable part of Rwandan economy lately.
No, it doesn’t require a couple of millions of dollars investment – there are too many expensive hotels in Rwanda business of recreation lately. But A mini-van and a map would work great if you decide to take your foreign group to gorilla tour, volcanic mountains or deep natural forests.
In addition, you should take an intent look at this «country of thousand hills» without any doubts. Rwanda sounds like an African business heaven with its’ shortened business procedures and moving economic activities to a competitive sector, working on sound fiscal and monetary policies and boosting the tourism.
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