Telecommunications and IT services among the most profitable business in the world. But if You want to start some kind of enterprise in these spheres of business You need to have solid knowledge in technology and to be ready to face strong competition with big companies, that came to this market earlier.
But there exists an option for people who are ready to spent time and efforts to start IT business and get a good income. This time I will tell You about profitable business in Kenya.
What is SIM boxing?
The business that I’m telling about is called SIM boxing (SIM-boxing) or more officially – GSM termination. It’s a part of process of delivery of international calls. If You are thinking about how to earn in Kenya we strongly recommend You to consider GSM termination (SIM boxing). Because Kenya has one of the highest rates of income for this business in the world.
You can also get some more information here – huge money flows are spinning here.
Why SIM boxing (GSM termination) is a profitable investment in Kenya?
Kenya has one of the most developed markets of GSM telecommunications in Africa. More then 65% of population are mobile subscribers.
Price of international traffic for Orange GSM operator is about 0.18 USD per minute.
Tariff “Hola” in Orange will make Your operational expenses minimum. Only 0.12 USD for one Sim card per day. (Local calls will be used to convert international calls from internet to GSM network).
What will be Your income in SIM boxing (GSM termination) in Kenya

The best choice for SIM boxing in Kenya will be GSM operator Orange. It’s the second national GSM operator by the amount of subscribers and has low cost for on-net calls.
LOCAL COST (Orange, tarrif “Hola”) unlimited calls for 24h | 0.12$ day |
ROUTE COST (to Kenya) | 0.18$ MIN |
INCOME (difference between local cost and route cost) | 0.06$ MIN |
INCOME (average turnover), MONTHLY (average) | up to 28800$ |
ONE-TIME INVESTMENT (package of equipment and software) | 9400$ |
Conditions to get the profit in Kenya mentioned above:
- Highest level of safety is required
- Specialist with system administrative skills (Linux OS knowledge is highly recommended)
- SIM boxing (GSM termination) equipment must have 100% quality warranty.
- SIM boxing (GSM termination) software has the most actual set of features to protect your SIMs from anti FRAUD systems in Kenya.
- Possibility to purchase Orange’s SIM-cards easily
- Stable synchronous Internet connection with bandwidth at least 4 Mbit/sec
- Stable Electricity connection (UPS usage is preferable)
- Bank account in USD currency to receive money for your job.
As Kenya has a high level of technical development in Africa it won’t be a problem to get a good Internet connection and stable electricity supply, that makes also an advantage of starting SIM boxing (GSM termination) here.
Just imagine, with 32 channels system you can transmit at minimal 10 000 minutes per day.If you’re interested how to make $380 of pure profit in Kenya every day, please, contact one of our telecommunication experts and get personal consultation!
Read our the most popular posts about GSM termination business:
What is GSM termination: a profitable business, fraud, or the good mission?
How to start profitable VoIP GSM termination business?
Choosing Anti SIM Blocking Solution for Call Termination
GSM termination security: calmness for business owner and stable income
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