Category Archives: GSM termination blog


Futurecom 2012 Rio

Futurecome 2012 – largest event of the Communications Sector in Latin America

Flames Group SIA introduced its ANTRAX system – solution for voice traffic termination on the 14th international conference Futurecom’12. The event took place on 27 — 30 October, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Continue reading Futurecome 2012 – largest event of the Communications Sector in Latin America

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The latest from CommunicAsia’11

Yacoob Ibrahim, Minister of Communications and Information, opened the conference CommunicAsia 2011, dedicated to the development of telecommunications and “cloud” technologies. The event was taking place on 21 – 24 June in Singapore. More than 2 thousand companies from over 70 countries were introduced on the exhibition.
Continue reading The latest from CommunicAsia’11

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